This Friday, over 2000 university students from across Rwanda will
have an opportunity talk to President Kagame through the “MeethePresident”
forum which is set for October 18, 2012.
The president will, this Friday morning, be answering questions during a live session aired on Rwanda TV and Radio that will be hosted under the theme:
“Building a Legacy of Self Reliance”.
By Wednesday students from across Rwanda and abroad had already started
posting their questions on Kagame’s facebook page ranging from national
economy, education, politics, and social welfare of Rwandans. Below are
some of the questions and comments posted:
Muhozi Isaac: “Mr. President, how the economy could grow while it has
still low ways to insight Business men, conditions are not good? Which
ways your government is ready to make?
Herbert Kayitale, “Mr. President, I stay in Uganda but would like to
come to my country Rwanda and serve in the government. I’m an IT
professional, can I be able to get a chance of being employed there. Am
proud of your leadership and everything you do for our motherland. God
bless you and Rwanda”.
Dunga Katongore Elia: “Mr. president it's known that Agaciro Development Fund was initiated to cover up the western delayed budget support funds
in order to keep on the same pace of development that Rwanda is
apparently treading on, what is your option Z if the UN goes ahead and
decides to put economic sanctions on Rwanda basing on the new UN report
published on BBC this Wednesday morning that Rwandan minister of Defense
is effectively commanding M23 rebels”.
Nah Floris: “I have an idea about how we can build many estates in
rural area and town but I don’t have a place in government and I still
in high school so I don’t know how I can present my idea to you. So I
need your help thank u H.E president.
Nic Chaddy Clementos: “Thanks a lot for this lovely opportunity, let
me organize very well my question concerning scholarship i will be
asking a bit about it,
Matsiko Paulucas: “Mr. President, I appreciate your visionary
leadership , my question is, what advantage do we as Rwandans have over
other African countries that you think we can base on to achieve total
independence from foreign aid and the vision 2020 goals? Thank you.
My question is about the high cost to the university (s) …. And it is
great and every huge problem that may prevent some youth continue their
courses. What can you do so that costs can be for all students in
Rwanda? Remain blessed Mr. President
Sibo Peter Peter: Mr. president, Rwandans are always sensitive to take
action when they are convinced the outcome of what they are doing, what
strategies of furthering the sensitization leading to self reliance.
Jo Kaibanda Mr. President Let me contribute to this theme: Education
may be the most important concept in self-reliance. Education, in part,
is the process of obtaining knowledge, and “knowledge is power.” Those
who are ignorant, or uneducated, are necessarily dependent since they
must depend on others to tell them what to do, what is true, etc. With
knowledge, we dispel myths and fears. With knowledge, we know truth and
can defeat those who would enslave us. If we want to be self-reliant, we
must be educated. Parents must ensure their children are educated, as
well, if they are to become self-reliant. But, while education is
important to being self-reliant, we will see that self-reliance is also
important in getting an education. this will help Rwandan education
Bob Allan Clarkson Karemera “Mr. President Thanks for your time but
my question is how you would describe the next leader of this country
after our past history”.
Peterson Kwizera Hello Mr. President: We are Youth from different
Schools and Universities in Rwanda in a Small organization called YOUTH
FOR HOPE with Mission to create a pool Rwandan youth contributing in
steering the Nation towards a smart and sustainable development, We do
many things but we don’t have an office, for now we are creating a TV
show where Youth will be sharing Ideas, Knowledge, Skills, Talents,
energy, enthusiasm to push our Nation to extraordinary heights that will
benefit all Rwandans, you can find Us on Your Excellency Your help will be highly appreciated.
Museveni Paul: Your Excellency, am proud of your exemplary
leaderships I have a question and a comment, my question goes, which
measure, are you putting place, to make this development we are seeing
today more sustainable? Mr. president although the structures of
empowering young people have been put in place, the implementations are
still poor, due to mind set of young people and some of implementers
who still see young people as tools of their interests! Otherwise you
already are doing great. We are proud of you. Thank you!
Lweyemamu Gregory: “Your H.E. President Kagame, Am flatted by your
excellent work in keep Rwanda as a nation in order, but there right now
it seems as if we losing control of our own policies and laws due to the
fact that, Rwanda is associated with too much Conspiracy especially as
far as Military is concerned as a President and our visionary for a
peace and well managed nation, what is the step forward & mostly who
are we to believe about the words we hear out there Sir. Tell us the
Truth with DRC problems, The Generals, Lt. Generals & Colonels
fielding away upon your agendas that there are personal not for National
Security instead. May JESUS CHRIST BLESS U more for another 50years,
because now you are our Father of the Nation like.J.K.Nyerere. Thank you.
Emmanuel Ndacyayisenga: hello Mr President; my question concerns
the qaulity of education, here in Rwanda there are many new private
universities. Now these units, do they have a competitive education
quality with other universities?
Abdel Ntahontuye: Thank u His Excellence for this opportunity: my
question is: why when the international community sees a country in
Africa begin to be developed firstly they search some problems to bring
it down?
Disability Free Rwanda: “Mr. President, do you have any employment
opportunities planned for those young men and women living with
disabilities? What has a country done so far to help them become part
of the developmental plans in the country?”
Rogers Sande: Mr. President thanks a lot for all you do, especially to
this lovely opportunity where we can see together how we can continue
to build our country. Our Excellence, I have a dream to see my country
is one of the world reference countries: in economy, health, education,
etc. Your excellence, at the end, I would to make my suggestion, in our
country, the service providing is too low, we need to make the
evaluation to the all providers from public & private sectors. Thank
Jean Claude: Your Excellency, the children need to be empowered a lot
and one of the ways to do it, is a participation into developmental
issues like this one. Thank you for that. Again, they need to compete in
a more transparent environment. Please help us all understand that
‘Self Reliance’ for our country can only occur when everyone
contributes. Owing to that, thanks again for the recent developments to
make employment statistics available publicly. I’m a big fan!
Emile Niz: “Dear Mr. President, first of all let me start by saying
that this drive to understand the concept of self reliance is probably
the biggest and the most important ideology Rwanda and all countries in
the same pool can have to better achieve that dream of dough things on
our own. I just wish all countries have the same drive.
My question goes like this:” Considering that our annual budget was
still mainly funded by foreign aid ( I believe a little over 50%. Correct
me if I am wrong) and Now that that percentage is currently wiped out
or relatively diminished due to the accusations our country leadership
is being put under, don’t think that if will severely impact all our
programs? Isn’t it maybe that even though we understand that we have to
try to stand on our own we still need help that must get us from walking
on all fours (metaphor of a toddler learning to walk) and later walk
freely on our own. Isn’t maybe too soon for us to go to the next step?
We may definitely have the right drive, motivation but if our timing is
incorrect, it may harm our development altogether. I still applaud the
idea of self reliance and I cannot wait to see it being implemented and
us making progress. It is possible. We have been through a lot and this
can be done too”.
Gloria Karengera: “I would like to contribute to the theme from the
angle of Education: Education is not just about going to class and
passing exams, that is just the start; A real education in my view is
one that enables you to learn principles and keep an open mind to
discover more through all the resources available to one. I would rather
be asked “what I think of X” rather than be asked “what is X” because
with the former my ability to analyze is evoked. If I can analyze then
the journey to self reliance begins.
Some of the students and youth community also thanked president
Kagame for his leadership and encouraged him to keep moving on so as to
attain the development the country needs. They also expressed anxiety to
have a feedback from the president during the live streaming.
Posted comments included these: Eric Kenzo Sivihwa “Excellence,
thanks for your leadership and God bless our nation”. Kadogo Duke
“you’re awesome Kagame!!!!!!!How about if u become a President of the
whole Africa Continent?…I’ll vote for U!!!!!!!!! Eugen Ruos “Mr.
president,I would like to thank you for your leadership, God protect
Beverly Mimshak Macziana: “May God continually supply His Wisdom to
you Sir. You are excellent! Karim Son “Mr. President I have many things
to tell you but the best one is:”You are great man”.
Nicolas Habarugira said: “for me no question but just to say that we
have done much and we still have much to do. Otherwise, self reliance is
one of Rwandan culture values. Peace and Prosperity to all Rwandans…”
All details are posted on President Kagame's facebook page
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